1.2. Research Methodology

Research Methodology

image by Pep Pe
talking in NYC – image by Pep Pe

Travelling to the USA, Canada, Britain, Sweden, Poland, China, Japan and Singapore, I spoke with many people working at the intersection of science and arts, and in government and public policy.

Each of these conversations opened up new ideas, prompted new connections, raised more questions and spawned new conversations. In this report I focus on several key threads which I believe are particularly exciting and could be of potential benefit to Australia in the near future.

Throughout the report I have avoided adopting formal academic protocols or quoting in detail from interviews. Nevertheless, all the ideas in this document are indebted to my informants, directly adopted from or heavily inspired by.

The chapter on Experiential Futures is heavily drawn from the work of futurist Stuart Candy, whose 2010 PhD dissertation on Experiential Futures grounded my definition and suggested many of the illustrative examples of the field.

The chapter on Systems Gaming builds on my work at the University College London Environment Institute over 2011-12 as part of a Boho’s residency to develop a new Systems Gaming work. My understanding of systems science and game design is mostly thanks to the hands-on learning I shared with David Shaw, Nikki Kennedy, Nathan Harrison and Rachel Roberts, and with significant contributions from Tassos Stevens and Dr Yvonne Ridin.